About BOAPBC Chapter
About BOAPBC Chapter
The Building Officials Association of Palm Beach County (BOAPBC) is a Florida not-for-profit corporation comprised of Building Officials, Inspectors, Plans Examiners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors, industry members, and others mutually interested in the promotion and enhancement of public safety, through diligent and consistent enforcement of applicable construction codes and regulations throughout Palm Beach County Florida.
The Building Officials Association of Palm Beach County has been the local Chapter of the Building Officials Association of Florida since 1974 and the local Chapter of the International Code Congress since 2001

Officers & Board Members
Joseph D. Anderson
Mark A. Candreva
Vice President
Jennifer M. Lang
David Canale
Marcella Foster
Past President
Robert Blanchette
Bridgelall Kumar Arjune
Become a BOAPBC Member
Active Member
Cost: $30.00
Associate Member
Cost: $25.00
An individual, company or organization who express an interest and share in the objectives of the association may become non-voting associate members upon payment of membership dues and approval of the Board of Directors.
Retired Active Member
Cost: $15.00
Any former active member or any former associate member who is retired.
Student Member
Cost: $10.00
An individual enrolled in a high school, junior college, community college, college, university, or trade school studying in the design, construction, or related fields of the construction industry.
Corporate Member
Cost: $350.00
Corporate members shall be those employees of a sponsoring corporation involved in the support or business of the construction industry. Such members allow for up to five employees to represent the corporation at all Association meetings and functions upon payment of annual dues. This is a non-voting category of the Association. Corporate members may be offered the opportunity to address the membership, display information or provide other materials at meetings and functions, time permitting, with permission of the person in charge of the event.
Become An ICC Chapter Member
Memberships available for the calendar year are as follows:
Professional Membership
Industry Membership
Honorary Membership
Retired Membership
Student Membership
About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is a nonprofit association that provides a wide range of building safety solutions including product evaluation, accreditation, certification, codification and training. It develops model codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures.
Protect the health, safety and welfare of people by creating safe buildings and communities.
To provide the highest quality codes, standards, products and services for all concerned with the safety and performance of the built environment.
Customer Value, Integrity and Trust, Member Focus, Professionalism, Public Service, & Quality.